
Design Manifest

LAST UPDATED 16 May, 2024


Design is the visual and functional beginning of any given product, process, or system. We see design as a balance between aesthetics and ease of use. By collecting vast data inputs, we apply an integral and multi-disciplinary approach to problem-solving.

Current State

In the past century, high-volume production, optimization, automation, data analysis, technological advancement, and constant growth in numbers have occurred. This has clear effects on the design space, positive ones due to many new techniques and technologies frequently arising, and negative ones being the constant increase in demand causing a lack of focus and collective direction. These market conditions brought on a crowd that inherits a trendy calling, instead of being true to positive impact on human growth and living conditions. With no time to stop and think, the role of the designer has been on the rise with ever-increasing responsibility, often without awareness from stakeholders in practice.

Design Thinking

We see the increase in designs’ significance and realize that a broader knowledge base is needed when trying to solve a problem. Generalist thinking seems to apply more to us than the specialist setting many industries have adopted. We are obliged to learn about many different disciplines to respond to various requests in an adequate manner. The function of design is deeply interlaced with what is built, how it’s built, what the values are, and often supports or is directly linked to an organization‘s mission and vision. Compassion and empathy are part of the equation, we want to understand a given problem or situation thoroughly, as well as the intentions behind an initiative.


Issues can arise when the lack of good communication between the benefactor and executor emanates. This can come from vanity and ego that live within all creatives. Our greatest revelation from years of experience is that being humble and at service gives you greater freedom when making decisions instead of imposing them on key stakeholders. We are the experts, therefore we are the ones obligated to manage expectations and recommend good practices, instead of fulfilling our desires. The goal is to achieve success with a win-win end result.


We are interested in steering the design space towards understanding and adopting the significance of the designer by equipping them with resources from years of experience and collected assets. Continually evolving our skills through projects, courses, and new methodologies, we plan to open-source our know-how when an autonomous system is established.


We will continue to build on what design should be and work on its importance in the future. Our image of the world is articulated by beauty and function while being environmentally and socially responsible. We welcome newcomers to join the cause, as our doors will always be open to anyone for discussion, experimentation, and collaboration.



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